Instructional Photo Tours and Workshops

Join professional nature photographer, John Slonina, for a photo tour or photo workshop to some of North America's most beautiful and wild places. We visit several national parks which include Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, Great Smoky Mountains, Acadia, Everglades, Mt Rainier, Olympic, Arches, Canyonlands, Big Cypress, Alaska, Katmai and Lake Clark. We lead moose and bear photography workshops, photo classes and photo safari's. We also teach Lightroom and Photoshop.

Our group size is small. All skill levels are welcome from beginner to professional.

Alaska Bear Instructional Photo Tours and Workshops


Alaska Bear Instructional Photo Tours and Workshops

from $2,000.00

Alaska Bears Photo Tours and Photo Workshop

Join us on an Alaska bear photo tour or photo workshop. This is the ultimate bear photography trip. Our journey will take us to a wild river boasting some of the highest concentration of bears on Earth.

New for 2024: We will be staying in a different lodge than years past, and our means of transportation to photograph the bears will be by jet boat. We will have the opportunity to capture stunning bear photos from the boat, in the river, and on land. Minimal walking will be required during this experience.

The lodge is an incredible place and highly sought after, so much so that we had to secure our reservation three years in advance. A future documentary will be released on Netflix this year filmed in part on location at this lodge.

This tour presents an extraordinary chance for a thrilling adventure that only a select few will ever encounter. It's a once-in-a-lifetime journey that you will never forget.

Our main goal for this tour is to capture breathtaking photographs of magnificent bears, with the added advantage of encountering adorable bear cubs during this prime season. Throughout the trip, we will have the opportunity to photograph numerous bears fishing. We will spend several hours observing and capturing their behavior. Besides the bears, eagles, osprey, and moose are often photographed. There are occasional wolf sightings as well as fox, mink, beaver, river otter, owls, northern harrier, and peregrine falcon.

Are you fascinated by the idea of capturing breathtaking images of bears chasing salmon in a river? Would you like to witness the sight of bears dashing through the water, pouncing on migrating salmon? Our trip is strategically planned during the anticipated peak salmon migration season when the bears are feeding.

The bears found in these areas will have access to salmon, their primary food source, and have grown accustomed to the presence of both fishermen and photographers in the vicinity. Over time, they have learned to coexist with their fellow bears and the fortunate few who have the privilege of visiting this secluded region. Although maintaining a safe distance, we can still observe these magnificent animals up close.

We hope to photograph 10-20 bears a day weather and conditions permitting. The action is non-stop, so be prepared to photograph thousands of images a day.

The objective is to focus on capturing photographs of bears in optimal lighting conditions. John, with over 30 years of experience in bear photography, will provide instruction on bear behavior to enable the group to capture several dynamic shots of bears engaged in fishing, diving, playing, fighting, and moments of family interaction between the mother and cubs.

During downtime at the lodge, John will teach various techniques which may include wildlife photography, post-processing and editing using tools like Lightroom and/or Photoshop. He will also provide valuable critiques of your images. Additionally, we will engage in discussions about shooting strategies for the upcoming day.

Our utmost priority is safety. Bear attacks are extremely rare plus there has never been a recorded instance of a bear attack on a group of four or more people. John, along with the camp staff, possesses numerous years of experience in handling bear encounters.

Every evening, after we return and you settle in your cabin, we will head towards the main lodge, where hors d'oeuvres will be waiting. The main lodge, boasting its panoramic view of a wild river naturally becomes a gathering spot. It's a place to unwind, socialize, or simply relax and take in the breathtaking scenery. The chef starts serving a multi-course gourmet dinner. Afterward, we will gather to discuss the plans for the upcoming day, making sure that everyone is well-informed. Breakfast and departure times are set accordingly.

July 21-28, 2024 (Sold Out)

Getting There:
Participants will fly into King Salmon (AKN). Alaska Airlines and a couple of other companies have direct flights to and back from Anchorage.

Day 1:
We will meet in King Salmon Airport in the morning. We recommend you fly into King Salmon the night before. Then we will have a short 25-minute flight to the bear lodge (included). We will introduce ourselves, discuss the itinerary, unpack and eat dinner.

Day 2-6: After a warm breakfast at the hotel, we will leave the lodge and travel via small boat down the river to photograph numerous bears.

Day 7: Last day. We will go out for the morning and return in the afternoon and say goodbye to our friends at the lodge. We will take a 25-minute plane ride back to King Salmon. We will leave King Salmon after 3 pm.

Plane flights from King Salmon to lodge and back

Food while at the lodge (Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner).

Hands-on field and classroom instruction (see below). Plus, wildlife identification and behavior.

Lodging at private cabins (this is double occupancy since single occupancy is not available)

Classroom time. This trip is planned to maximize time outdoors photographing and when time allows, we will also have classroom time to discuss photography, post processing and give photo critiques. I will customize the program(s) to cover the wishes of our small group.

After the Tour: You will be invited to Zoom classes exclusive to past participants at no additional cost. Topics will be: Lightroom, Photoshop, Wildlife Photography, Landscape Photography

Not Included:
Transportation to and from Anchorage

Transportation from Anchorage to King Salmon (approx. $400 round trip)

Gratuities for lodge staff. One tip includes them all.

Alcohol is not included.

Skill and Fitness Level Requirements:
Participants should be able to climb in and out of boats. Walking will be minimal. Rivers can be slippery. If we have to cross a small river our staff will help you. Waders allow us to get the best angles for photographing the bears.

Anyone with an interest in photography from a beginner to professional is welcome on this tour. The participants should have a working knowledge of their camera, a love of nature, and enjoy the company of other people.

Participants should be in good health and self-sufficient.

Weather: This is Alaska, and the weather can change in a second. All events must be tentative and flexible. Safety is the top priority.

$8995 per person
Deposit: $2000 per person
Balance: Due 6 months before start date of trip
Note: There is an option to extend this trip to include the Alaska Land and Sea Tour.

Payment: Payment can be made by check to Slonina Photography. We also accept credit cards through our online shopping cart.

Click here for the Bear Trip Cancellation Policy

Click here to see Testimonials.

Tour Guide:
John Slonina (leader)

A professional nature photographer who has been photographing for several decades. During the workshop, you will receive information on photography techniques and the natural world. Understanding nature not only increases your appreciation of it but also helps you become a better nature photographer.

John has been photographing bears for several decades. He has also led bear photography tours for several years to multiple locations.

We hope you can join us. This is an adventure of a lifetime! If you have any questions, please contact us.

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